Thursday, June 5, 2014

April/May Running Update- I MET MY GOAL!!!

Ooops! I missed my running update for the past 2 months. That's because I've been busy running. 
In April I ran 69.3 miles. This included some serious 1/2 Marathon training!

Major decrease in May. 1/2 Marathon taper + sprint tri training started.
"Only" 41.7 miles

Year to date: 247.8 miles!

I MET MY RUNNING GOAL FOR 2014. Time to retire my shoes until next January. ;)

Now what?! 244 miles seemed crazy at the time. We are only half way through the year... 

300 miles?
400 miles?

I think 400 is totally achievable even without any more half marathon training.

400 it is. 
By December 31, 2014, I will run 400 miles.


About Me

My photo
On June 19, 2009 I started my weight loss journey. It has become quite the journey! As of today (2-1-11) I have lost 162 pounds and have gained a whole new life. This blog is a continuation of my journey. I hope to inspire and encourage others through my process.