Super husband comes home from his walk. "Are you going on your run".
Me: "I'm so tired"
Super Husband: "You'll feel better after some exercise"
Me: "I'm so tired"
Super Husband: "I'll help you up"
He takes my hand and helps me up. I drag my butt to my room, change into my exercise clothes and head out for my run. At this point it's colder, darker, and I swear I am even more tired.
No big surprise- less than a 1/4 mile in and I was feeling better. I walked more than ran, but actually had a little bit faster pace than runs earlier in the week. It started to rain midway though my run. It didn't matter. My heart was pumping, I was alive, I was waking up!
Ready for my big revelation??? All of the healthy choices that we make for our lives start by someone helping us up. Sometimes we even have to help ourselves up. It's that