I wanted to meet Emily...
I wanted to meet David.... (someday I *may* tell you about making a fool of myself while gushing over him. I know now how my kids felt the first them they saw Mickey Mouse in real life. Not that David is Mickey Mouse, but you get the picture.)
I wanted to meet Carla.... AAAAKKKKK! No picture with Carla. I swear, I met her. :)
Meeting my blog favorites was amazing! Even more amazing was meeting the people that I didn't even know existed before this weekend. People that in 3 short days I came to adore.
So many people that I can't possibly do them justice. Liz was so authentic. Margo so inviting. There is Emily who I actually talked to randomly in the bathroom and then ended up sitting next to at dinner. Erin is hysterical and such an encouraging presence. Sarah who is from England and has a fantastic accent. My amazing roomates Sharla and Kay Lynn. Rooming with strangers was a bit odd, but totally turned out to be perfect. Stephanie was one of the firsts to come up to me the first night to say hi. Dacia took me to try on tri suits! Paola was always ready to swoop in when I was looking lonely. (She's up top with Alan!!!!!) So many more people!!! I am sure in the weeks to come that more people will pop up as I process Fitbloggin.
I know I am leaving people out!
Fitbloggin is amazing for so many reasons. The biggest reason of all is the people. It was such a great reminder to me to take time in my life for people. We all are busy. This past weekend was a great reminder to me that I need to invest in those around me. As I said yesterday, we all have a story. Fitbloggin reminded me to take the time to sit and listen to the stories that people have to tell.
More Fitbloggin recaps to come!